New friend and gutter cleaning client, Grant was stunned when I finished he’s mammoth gutter clean in just under 6 hours…
You see, Grant has been cleaning he’s own gutters for years and he’s finally at the point where enough is enough…
He didn’t feel safe up there and quite frankly, he didn’t want to waste a day slugging through gutter mud…
When Grant called me, he advised that “This is a big one. I’ve been doing it for years and it takes me a good 10 to 12 hours to complete so schedule the whole day on this one”...
So when I finished this mammoth gutter clean in Mornington in just under 6 hours, Grant was a little shocked to say the least…
“Ahhh, did you clean the double car garage?”
“Yep, all done.”
“Ookkkayy, did you clean the gutters on the double story section?”
“Yeah mate, all done.”
“Well where did you put all the rubbish?”
“Right here in these bags”…
“Geez… well did you put the guards back over the downpipes?”
“Yep, all downpipes covered.”
Grant just stood there shocked as I flicked through the before and after pics…
“I guess that’s it then”...
“Hold on! How about the downpipes? Did you flush them out?”
Grant, that’s all part of the service my friend. That’s what I do…
I do this all day, every day so I’m fast and efficient…
When I go out to do gutter cleaning Frankston I get in, get it done and I get out…
Like I was never there.
Except for the fact that your gutters are ultra clean…
And your downpipes are clear…
I can guarantee that Grant was sleeping like a baby through that treacherous storm last night…
If you can’t say the same, call this number here: 0466183548…